Tottenham Baptist Church

Its not over until you win

Girls' Brigade

3rd Tottenham Girls' Brigade Company is a Christian based youth organisation for girls. 

We meet on Thursday Evening 6.30pm-8pm during term time.

ß Explorers (58 yrs): ß Juniors (811 yrs): ß Seniors (1114 yrs): ß Brigaders (14+ yrs):

Image result for girls' brigade logo

We have four sections:

Each week, each section participates in badge work and we have fun with games, art & craft and also times where we learn about the community and the Bible.

Throughout the year, we also organise sleepovers, camps, sports days, fun days, all of which are a lot of fun!

Our Company provides a great place to develop friendships, learn new skills & life skills

Motto, Aim & Principles

In all activities the girls take part in we try to ensure that we incorporate our motto, aim and principles which are:

Motto : "Seek, Serve and Follow Christ"

Aim : The aim of The Girl's Brigade, being a Christian organisation, international, and inter- denominational, shall be to help girls to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through self-control, reverence, and a sense of responsibility, to find enrichment of life. Principles : The Brigade acknowledges Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, according to the Scriptures, and seeks to fulfil its aim to the glory of one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Brigade witnesses to the standard set by Jesus Christ and gives positive teaching on the Christian attitude to life. The Brigade promotes a just society where all people are equally valued.

Join Us!

If you know a girl aged between 5 and 18 who would like to join 3rd Tottenham Girls' Brigade then why not come along.